Welches Water Company is a non-profit, member-owned corporation that provides clean, pure mountain spring water to 130 households in the Welches, Oregon area. The water comes from two unnamed springs about 1600 feet up from the valley floor of Huckleberry Mountain. The springs are encased in concrete boxes and the water is piped down the mountain to two storage tanks. From there, gravity distributes it to our members.
Property owners with a water connection are members of the Welches Water Corporation. Our water rights granted to us from the State of Oregon in 1927 only allow 130 connections to our system. The Welches Water Company is managed by a seven member unpaid volunteer Board of Directors. Directors, who must be members of the Welches Water Company, are elected to three-year terms.
Welches Water Company Services
Discover our range of clean and refreshing spring water products, carefully sourced and delivered with your well-being in mind.